Main Arm Upper Public School

Telephone02 6684 5266

Parent Information

Parents and volunteers

Parents are the backbone of our school community and we value their high level of involvement and support. Many parents enjoy assisting in the classroom, in creative and performing arts activities, in sport, on excursions and with many after school activities. At Main Arm Public School we have an ‘open door’ policy where parents can pop in at any time.

We actively encourage parents to support our teaching and learning programs. Regular training and development opportunities are organised for parents to assist with their children’s learning.

School hours

Class begins: 9am with a crunch’n sip at 9:15am–9:30am
Lunch: 11am–11:30am
Recess: 1pm–1:30pm
School ends: 2:45pm


Students will require fruit/vege for crunch'n'sip, and food for lunch and recess each day. They are encouraged to bring healthy food, no lollies. Please don't pack glass bottles and please keep plastic wrapping to a minimum.A selection of healthy food is sold at the school canteen on Fridays.


Our Canteen is run by the P&C and operates on Fridays. If you would like to be on the Canteen roster or would like more information please contact the P&C WhatsApp group or the school.


Children will always find success at school if parents set aside time to listen to them read, discuss the day’s events or practice any skills eg. times tables. This helps form good work habits in home study. Any homework set by teachers is set for a reason.

All students are encouraged to read regularly. Some students will be encouraged to take readers home regularly and we ask the children to return them ASAP so others may use them. Any lost readers will be at the expense of the borrower.


The NSW Departments of Education and Health require written proof of immunisation in the form of a NSW Department of Health Immunisation Certificate or letterhead from your General Practitioner or Community Health Centre.

Children who have been given homeopathic immunisation are classified as not immunised.

If a child has one of the childhood diseases, he/she will have to stay at home until well. You must advise the school immediately of infectious diseases such as chicken pox, measles, german measles, mumps, whooping cough or conjunctivitis and impetigo. Unimmunised children, who have been in contact with the sick child or in the event of an outbreak of a disease at the school, must stay at home during the outbreak.


Should your child be unable to attend school for any reason you can go online and complete an absence report. Alternatively on his/her return, you can write a brief note or phone explaining the date of and reason for the absence. A phone call is required to school if the absence is expected to extend more than three days.

Bus travel

All infant students are eligible for free bus travel. Students in Grades 3-6 who live more than 1.6km from school are eligible for free bus travel. Parents who transport children more than 1.6km to the nearest bus stop are eligible for a Conveyance Subsidy. Forms for this are available at the office. Click here for the BVC Bus Timetable servicing Main Arm School, or here for the Upper Main Arm Bus Timetable.

If students travel arrangements change, either permanently or on a daily basis eg. Catching bus into town, a note from the parents/caregivers must be handed into the office.


The official school uniform consists of a collared red t/shirt with school logo, black pants or skirt, covered shoes and a wide brimmed blue or red hat. These can be purchased at the office. We also offer a Creative Clothing Range. See our Uniform Page.


The school encourages worthwhile excursions. Parents will receive written details of any excursion to be arranged. No student is allowed to go on an excursion without a consent form and school uniform.

Wet weather and floods

For wet weather the school encourages raincoats and hats rather than umbrellas. If flooding occurs the school will not be operational. Parents will be advised by SMS, the school's facebook page, local ABC radio station and the school website. If students need to evacuate during school hours all parents/carers will be contacted by SMS or phone. 

A message will be posted on the school's facebook page and will appear on the home page of the website under “Alerts”.

School fees

Each year families are asked to contribute $70 as a voluntary contribution. This money is put towards developing school programs and purchasing resources. Throughout the year, some of the extra activities and excursions have a separate extra charge which we will advise you of as they occur. We make every effort to keep the extra costs to a minimum.

For more information go to FAQ’s or download our School Information Booklet.