Main Arm Upper Public School

Telephone02 6684 5266

Extra curricula

Why are the Dramatic Arts, Music, Social Sciences and Sports Important?

In parallel with a strong academic focus, music, arts, drama, gardening, cooking, environmental education and sport programs are integral to a diverse and enriching education at Main Arm Public School. Arts and sports programs, both curricular and co-curricular, cater to all levels of ability, but also offer pathways for gifted students to excel.

As a school we are very supportive of all students following their individual passions. In this way we seek to provide  encouragement to all of our students with specific skills, talents and expertise within the creative arts, social sciences and sports in order to nurture and develop their talents at Main Arm Public School.

The emphasis for students at the K-2 level is on participation, interacting with each other and providing exposure to a broad range of disciplines with the arts and sports, developing their awareness and affinity for their creative and sporting sensibilities. Our 3-6 students build on this, acquiring skills and gaining confidence.

Students learn to understand the importance of team work and challenging themselves in a safe and supportive environment. Students build their You Can Do It foundations of confidence, getting along, persistence, organisation and resilience, by the opportunities provided, which gives them a sense of achievement.

Physical activity, be it sport, yoga, gym etc is considered an essential part of each student’s overall development.  For many of our students, both gala days and school sport are a springboard to success in a wider area.

  • School Movie: Every year our senior students are involved in a movie making project. The students learn filmmaking – through writing, story boarding, casting, filming and editing to the finished product. Click here to view our amazing film from our very talented students.
  • Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program: Main Arm Public has implemented the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. It is an exciting program that provides students with opportunities to be involved with an organic productive market garden linked to our cooking program. For more information on the SAKGP click here.
  • Art Smart Workshops: These provide our students with an opportunity to extend their artistic strengths and talents.
  • Music Programs: We believe that Music is a key feature in and out of the classroom. Our music program offers a broad range of instrumental opportunities to students with musical ability and interest.  At Main Arm School plays and musical productions occur yearly with an emphasis on whole school participation.
  • Far North Coast Dance Festival (FNCDF)  &  ValleyFest:  Our school is involved in the FNCDF and the bi-annual Brunswick ValleyFest Performance.
  • Valley of Small Schools Sports Carnivals (VOSS): We value the importance of sport participation & regularly compete in our local small school carnivals and gala days.
  • Yoga: Students at Main Arm benefit greatly from their weekly yoga sessions. Students benefit by stretching, breathing & utilising stillness to help them stay relaxed and focused.
  • Environment: Click here to see the Documentary 5 step action process that our students presented at the “Our Voice Sustainability Conference” at Southern Cross University. The video documents the students’ learning and the processes they used to improve biodiversity in our local area. This is a wonderful example of our students practising not only problem solving, but higher order thinking skills, to work through solutions. These skills will be essential for their future.